Wow! This hobby blog is getting way too much attention! But I love it. To answer a few questions...
We are simply using a North American tree identification book that once belonged to Glenn's Poppa Lavender. It can be tricky to navigate through the book, and it takes more time than you think. You need to pay attention to the bark, tree shape, leaves, leaf formation, fruit, etc. There are several trees that we just gave up on because we couldn't figure them out!
There are a couple of great tree id websites, however, we can't take the internet with us everywhere we go.
We are going to try some local identification, however, the leaves are starting to turn and I guess at that point, we'll have to stick to the coniferous until spring/summer. Kathy - I would be happy to help you id that one tree nearby... is it still green?
We have decided not to pay attention to the latin names... Maybe once we become experts we'll add that to the mix. For now, we're just trying to keep this enjoyable! :o)
We are simply using a North American tree identification book that once belonged to Glenn's Poppa Lavender. It can be tricky to navigate through the book, and it takes more time than you think. You need to pay attention to the bark, tree shape, leaves, leaf formation, fruit, etc. There are several trees that we just gave up on because we couldn't figure them out!
There are a couple of great tree id websites, however, we can't take the internet with us everywhere we go.
We are going to try some local identification, however, the leaves are starting to turn and I guess at that point, we'll have to stick to the coniferous until spring/summer. Kathy - I would be happy to help you id that one tree nearby... is it still green?
We have decided not to pay attention to the latin names... Maybe once we become experts we'll add that to the mix. For now, we're just trying to keep this enjoyable! :o)
Not 'yikes'. . . 'yipee!!!' no such thing as too much attention, girl!!! this is a very interesting hobby you have started.
As for the 'mystery tree' the next block from me, i think its still green. . i'll check next time i walk past.
I think its great that you're using a family book - that's special.
The Latin names are so cool though. . but if that's too heavy for the beginning phase of a hobby then obviously you won't pay it any attention, like you've mentioned. ENJOY!!! I hope that your hobby inspires others to appreciate nature around them and get out there and notice the things we see but don't really look at closely.
kathryn, at 6:34 PM
Hey I will keep coming back to see what you have discovered here in the city.
I would love to go on a tree walk sometime with you guys, I think it would be so calming and relaxing and you know how I can use that.
Any ways keep enjoying this hobby and look for the tree people. HEHEHEHEHE
Alexis, at 9:48 PM
I too have enjoyed the tree id blog. It has been very interesting to see the various trees you've found and identified. I've lived 99.9% of my life in the country and enjoy all of God's creation but for some reason never took time to learn about many of the trees that surround. I commend you guys for it. Please keep this blog going! :)
Dale, at 10:41 AM
Could you please come to my street (Poplar Drive) and tell me if there are any Poplar trees on it? Otherwise, I don't really understand why they would name my street that.
I think it's great that you guys are sharing this hobby! Very cool, and slightly quirky - just like you! I have a desire to collect some stamps, or birdwatch, or something...
Krista, at 10:24 AM
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