Tree Identification

Friday, September 30, 2005

Black Walnut

Sudden Tract, Cambridge, ON
September 29, 2005
We took Jonah for a walk in this forest trail. He picked up a stick to play 'hockey' with this tree's fruit. We were amazed at the strong scent of the fruit.


  • I grew up in an area where there were numerous black walnut trees around my neighborhood, two of them in my back yard. They do have a very strong fragrance. A neighbor of ours used to take them to make homemade black walnut stain for woodworking projects (shelves, bookcases, dressers, chairs, quilt racks, etc) that he made.

    By Blogger Dale, at 6:11 AM  

  • we have 2 black walnut trees at the front of our house! They really stain the sidewalks. the pods smell peppery and limey and very pungent!! whew!!!

    if i knew how to get the nuts out of those pods without staining everything, i would do it! but the rodents in this area love them, so i'll leave them to it!

    By Blogger kathryn, at 11:27 AM  

  • Yes they stain everything! As kids my cousins and I used to try to get the nuts out but our hands would be black before we were done. LOL

    By Blogger Dale, at 9:30 AM  

  • definitely a gloves on kind of job!

    i love walnuts! they're so delicious.

    By Blogger kathryn, at 9:45 AM  

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